Are you looking for a new car, truck, or SUV? Apply now at Sansone Jr's EZ Auto today and get pre-approved for financing your next purchase! Our team of experts is passionate about getting you pre-approved, and making the car buying process that much smoother! Here at Sansone Jr's EZ Auto in Keyport NJ, we understand how stressful the car buying process can be; let us help you by getting you pre-approved today and experience just how relaxing the car buying process can be! Apply online today and get started on your next adventure!

Easily accessible from Keyport, Hazlett, Middletown, New Jersey.

At NJ Auto Lending, your story is very important to us. Our plan puts you on the path to better credit with a vehicle you love while saving you thousands. Other dealerships say they can refinance you in the future, but they only say this to get your business. with no real plans to refinance you in the future. Our program is built on building your credit and refinancing you. We WANT your credit situation to improve! We WANT you to refinance in the future. Why? Because this benefits you and sets you up to be our customer for life; when you win, we win!